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28 Oct 2022

Trung Dao

28 Oct 2022

On last October 18th, NTQ Solution officially kicked off the “Developing Strategies 2023” program with the participation of the BOD and high-class managers of all departments and branches.  

As the annual activity for managers and leaders at NTQ Solution, this year, the program series includes three sessions:

Session 1 is the kick-off ceremony to summarize the company’s operating results in 2022, pros and cons, and define the company’s directions in the next year.

Mr. Pham Thai Son – CEO of NTQ Solution – shared the overall results of NTQ in 2022 with many impressive achievements despite the pandemic’s effect. Besides, he set challenging goals in 2023 to increase the total sales in the Software Development Service sector by 73% compared to this year and cooperate with 26 large enterprises.

For the People Development Department, he required to speed up the hiring process, build effective plans and remuneration to attract IT talents, and develop training programs to improve all-round employees’ competence. At the end of the session, the BOD also defined objectives for all departments to create plans to solve in the 2nd session.

Session 2 is the “Protect business and produce plan 2023” program, organized after two weeks. In this session, the representatives of every department have to give out the answer to questions given in the previous session and protect it in front of the BOD.

Session 3 is the last session, with the central concept being “Action plan 2023”. Accordingly, all departments will represent the detailed action plans following the general plans they protected in session 2 and the BOD’s directions. After that, all managers will make a commitment to action in 2023 to express their determination.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung – Vice Director of NTQ Solution – said: “This program series is one of the most important annual activities of NTQ Solution to help us learn through valuable experiences, improve our limits, and create detailed plans for every department to operate more effectively and achieve the following year targets. This year, the program is organized earlier than the plan to give managers more time to think and discuss plans, giving the best solutions to solve problems and heading to win the big goal in 2026”.

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